3 #include <termox/painter/glyph.hpp>
4 #include <termox/painter/painter.hpp>
5 #include <termox/widget/widgets/line_edit.hpp>
17 bool show_contents =
43 bool show_contents_ = false;
Definition: line_edit.hpp:16
Contains functions to paint Glyphs to a Widget's screen area.
Definition: painter.hpp:21
A Line_edit that veils the input characters so the contents are hidden.
Definition: password_edit.hpp:13
auto paint_event(Painter &p) -> bool
Handles Paint_event objects.
Definition: password_edit.cpp:24
void show_contents(bool enable)
Display each input char instead of veil if enable is true.
Definition: password_edit.cpp:20
auto veil() const -> Glyph
Return the currently set veil.
Definition: password_edit.cpp:18
void set_veil(Glyph x)
Set the Glyph that is show in place of the actual input Glyphs.
Definition: password_edit.cpp:16
auto shows_contents() const -> bool
Return true if input chars are not hidden.
Definition: password_edit.cpp:22
void nothing_on_focus()
Does nothing on focus in event.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:55
auto alignment() const noexcept -> ox::Align
Return the current alignment.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:46
void set_focus_in_action(Action x)
Set the Action that occurs on focus in events.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:51
auto focus_in_action() const noexcept -> Action
Return the currently used focus in event Action.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:57
void clear_on_focus()
Clear the text on focus in event, restoring if nothing edited.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:53
void set_alignment(ox::Align x)
Set either Left or Right Alignment, asserts with other alignments.
Definition: textline_base.cpp:40
Holds a description of a paintable tile on the screen.
Definition: glyph.hpp:11
Definition: password_edit.hpp:15