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ox::Textbox Class Reference

Interactive Glyph_string display with text wrapping, alignment, etc... More...

#include <textbox.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ox::Textbox:
ox::detail::Textbox_base ox::Text_view ox::Widget ox::Log


struct  Parameters

Public Member Functions

 Textbox (Glyph_string text=U"", Align alignment=Align::Left, Wrap wrap=Wrap::Word, Brush insert_brush=Brush{}, int scroll_speed=1, bool text_input=true)
 Construct a Textbox with initial contents and strong focus.
 Textbox (Parameters p)
void set_scroll_speed (int x) noexcept
 Set the number of lines scrolled vertically on scroll wheel events. More...
auto scroll_speed () const noexcept -> int
 Return the current scroll wheel speed.
void enable_text_input () noexcept
 Enable the Textbox to take keyboard input.
void disable_text_input () noexcept
 Disable the Textbox from taking keyboard input.
auto has_text_input () const noexcept -> bool
 Return true if currently takes text keyboard input.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ox::detail::Textbox_base
void set_cursor (Point position)
 Set the cursor to position, or the nearest Glyph if no glyph there.
void set_cursor (std::size_t index)
 Set the cursor to the Glyph at index into contents.
void scroll_up (int n=1) override
 Add cursor movement to Text_view::scroll_up.
void scroll_down (int n=1) override
 Add cursor movement to Text_view::scroll_down.
void cursor_up (int n=1)
 Move the cursor up n lines, scroll if at the top line. More...
void cursor_down (int n=1)
 Move the cursor down n lines, scroll if at the bottom line. More...
void cursor_left (int n=1)
 Move the cursor n indices towards the beginning of contents. More...
void cursor_right (int n=1)
 Move the cursor n indices towards the end of contents. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ox::Text_view
 Text_view (Glyph_string text=U"", Align alignment=Align::Left, Wrap wrap=Wrap::Word, Brush insert_brush=Brush{})
 Construct a Text_view with initial Glyph_string text. More...
 Text_view (Parameters p)
void set_text (Glyph_string text)
 Replace the current contents with text. More...
auto text () -> Glyph_string &
 Return the entire contents of the Text_view. More...
auto text () const -> Glyph_string const &
 Return the entire contents of the Text_view.
void set_alignment (Align type)
 Set the Alignment, changing how the contents are displayed. More...
auto alignment () const -> Align
 Return the currently used Alignment.
void set_wrap (Wrap w)
 Set the type of text wrapping at line boundaries.
auto wrap () const -> Wrap
 Return the currently set text Wrap type.
void insert (Glyph_string text, int index)
 Inserts text starting at index into the current contents. More...
void append (Glyph_string text)
 Inserts text to the end of the current contents. More...
void erase (int index, int length=Glyph_string::npos)
 Remove Glyphs from contents starting at index, for length Glyphs.
void pop_back ()
 Remove the last Glyph from the current contents. No-op if this->empty();.
void clear ()
 Remove all Glyphs from the this text display. More...
auto row_length (int y) const -> int
 Return the length of the line at row y. More...
auto display_height () const -> int
 Return the number of lines currently displayed.
auto line_count () const -> int
 Return the total number of lines in display_state_.
void set_top_line (int n)
 Set the top line, by row index.
auto index_at (Point position) const -> int
 Return the index into the contents from a physical Point on the Widget. More...
auto display_position (int index) const -> Point
 Return the position of the Glyph at index. More...
void update () override
 Add call to Text_view::update_display() before posting Paint_event.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ox::Widget
 Widget (std::string name="", Focus_policy focus_policy_=Focus_policy::None, Size_policy width_policy_=Size_policy{}, Size_policy height_policy_=Size_policy{}, Brush brush_=Brush{}, Glyph wallpaper=U' ', bool brush_paints_wallpaper=true, Cursor cursor=Cursor{})
 Create an empty Widget.
 Widget (Parameters p)
 Create an empty Widget.
 Widget (Widget const &)=delete
 Widget (Widget &&)=delete
Widgetoperator= (Widget const &)=delete
Widgetoperator= (Widget &&)=delete
void set_name (std::string name)
 Set the identifying name of the Widget.
auto name () const -> std::string const &
 Return the name of the Widget.
auto unique_id () const -> std::uint16_t
 Return the ID number unique to this Widget.
void set_wallpaper (Glyph g)
 Used to fill in empty space that is not filled in by paint_event().
auto get_wallpaper () const -> Glyph
 Return the currently in use wallpaper or std::nullopt if none.
void enable (bool enable=true)
 Enable this Widget and send an Enable_event to itself. More...
void disable (bool disable=true)
 Disable this Widget and send a Disable_event to itself. More...
auto is_enabled () const -> bool
 Check whether the Widget is enabled.
auto parent () const -> Widget *
 Return the Widget's parent pointer. More...
auto top_left () const -> Point
 Return the global top left corner of this widget.
auto area () const -> Area
 Return the area the widget occupies.
virtual auto is_layout_type () const -> bool
void install_event_filter (Widget &filter)
 Install another Widget as an Event filter. More...
void remove_event_filter (Widget &filter)
 Remove a Widget from the Event filter list. More...
auto get_event_filters () const -> std::set< Widget * > const &
 Return the list of Event filter Widgets.
void enable_animation (std::chrono::milliseconds interval)
 Enable animation on this Widget. More...
void enable_animation (FPS fps)
 Enable animation with a frames-per-second value.
void disable_animation ()
 Turn off animation, no more Timer_events will be sent to this Widget. More...
auto is_animated () const -> bool
 Return true if this Widget has animation enabled.
auto get_children ()
 Get a range containing Widget& to each child.
auto get_children () const
 Get a const range containing Widget& to each child.
auto get_descendants () const -> std::vector< Widget * >
 Return container of all descendants of self_.
void paint_wallpaper_with_brush (bool paints=true)
 Set if the brush is applied to the wallpaper Glyph.
auto paints_wallpaper_with_brush () const -> bool
 If true, the brush will apply to the wallpaper Glyph.
auto generate_wallpaper () const -> Glyph
 Return the wallpaper Glyph. More...
auto get_child_offset () const -> std::size_t
 Return the index of the first child displayed by this Widget.
auto child_count () const -> std::size_t
 Return the number of children held by this Widget.
virtual auto enable_event () -> bool
 Handles Enable_event objects.
virtual auto disable_event () -> bool
 Handles Disable_event objects.
virtual auto child_added_event (Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_added_event objects.
virtual auto child_removed_event (Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_removed_event objects.
virtual auto child_polished_event (Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_polished_event objects.
virtual auto move_event (Point new_position, Point old_position) -> bool
 Handles Move_event objects.
virtual auto mouse_release_event (Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_release_event objects.
virtual auto mouse_move_event (Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_move_event objects.
virtual auto key_release_event (Key k) -> bool
 Handles Key_release_event objects. More...
virtual auto focus_in_event () -> bool
 Handles Focus_in_event objects.
virtual auto focus_out_event () -> bool
 Handles Focus_out_event objects.
virtual auto delete_event () -> bool
 Handles Delete_event objects.
virtual auto timer_event () -> bool
 Handles Timer_event objects.
virtual auto enable_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Enable_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto disable_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Disable_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto child_added_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_added_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto child_removed_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_removed_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto child_polished_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Widget &child) -> bool
 Handles Child_polished_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto move_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Point new_position, Point old_position) -> bool
 Handles Move_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto resize_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Area new_size, Area old_size) -> bool
 Handles Resize_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto mouse_press_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_press_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto mouse_release_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_release_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto mouse_wheel_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_wheel_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto mouse_move_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Mouse const &m) -> bool
 Handles Mouse_move_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto key_press_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Key k) -> bool
 Handles Key_press_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto key_release_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Key k) -> bool
 Handles Key_release_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto focus_in_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Focus_in_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto focus_out_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Focus_out_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto delete_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Delete_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto paint_event_filter (Widget &receiver, Painter &p) -> bool
 Handles Paint_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
virtual auto timer_event_filter (Widget &receiver) -> bool
 Handles Timer_event objects filtered from other Widgets.
void set_top_left (Point p)
 Should only be used by Move_event send() function.
void set_area (Area a)
 Should only be used by Resize_event send() function.
void set_parent (Widget *parent)
 Should only be used by Layout.

Protected Member Functions

auto key_press_event (Key k) -> bool override
 Either input a Glyph from the Key, or move the cursor on arrow presses.
auto mouse_press_event (Mouse const &m) -> bool override
 Move the cursor to the pressed, or nearest cell, that contains a Glyph.
auto mouse_wheel_event (Mouse const &m) -> bool override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ox::detail::Textbox_base
 Textbox_base (Glyph_string text=U"", Align alignment=Align::Left, Wrap wrap=Wrap::Word, Brush insert_brush=Brush{})
 Construct with initial text, enable cursor.
 Textbox_base (Parameters p)
auto cursor_index () const -> int
 Return the index into contents that the cursor is located at.
auto resize_event (Area new_size, Area old_size) -> bool override
 Scroll to make the cursor visible if no longer on screen after resize.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ox::Text_view
auto paint_event (Painter &p) -> bool override
 Paint the portion of contents that is currently visible on screen.
auto line_at (int index) const -> int
 Return the line number that contains index.
auto top_line () const -> int
 Return the line number that is being displayed at the top of the Widget.
auto bottom_line () const -> int
 Return line number that is being displayed at the bottom of the Widget.
auto last_line () const -> int
 Return the index into display_state_ of the last line.
auto first_index_at (int line) const -> int
 Return the index of the first Glyph at line number line.
auto last_index_at (int line) const -> int
 Returns one past the last index of the last Glyph at line number line.
auto line_length (int line) const -> int
 Return the number of Glyphs contained at line index line.
auto end_index () const -> int
 Return the index of the last Glyph in contents.
void update_display (int from_line=0)
 Recalculate the text layout via display_state_. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ox::detail::Textbox_base
sl::Signal< void(std::size_t n)> cursor_moved_left
 Emitted when the cursor moves left, passes along
positions moved.
sl::Signal< void(std::size_t n)> cursor_moved_right
 Emitted when the cursor moves right, passes along
positions moved.
sl::Signal< void(std::size_t n)> cursor_moved_up
 Emitted when the cursor moves up, passes along
positions moved.
sl::Signal< void(std::size_t n)> cursor_moved_down
 Emitted when the cursor moves down, passes along
positions moved.
- Public Attributes inherited from ox::Text_view
Brush insert_brush
 Brush to be applied to all new incoming Glyphs, but not existing Glyphs. More...
sl::Signal< void(int n)> scrolled_up
 Emitted when text is scrolled up. Sends number of lines scrolled by.
sl::Signal< void(int n)> scrolled_down
 Emitted when text is scrolled down. Sends number of lines scrolled by.
sl::Signal< void(int n)> scrolled_to
 Emitted when text is scrolled, sends the top line.
sl::Signal< void(Glyph_string const &)> contents_modified
 Emitted when contents are modified. Sends a reference to the contents.
sl::Signal< void(int)> line_count_changed
 Emitted when total line count changes.
- Public Attributes inherited from ox::Widget
Signal< void()> enabled
Signal< void()> disabled
Signal< void(Widget &)> child_added
Signal< void(Widget &)> child_removed
Signal< void(Widget &)> child_polished
Signal< void(Point, Point)> moved
Signal< void(Area, Area)> resized
Signal< void(Mouse const &)> mouse_pressed
Signal< void(Mouse const &)> mouse_released
Signal< void(Mouse const &)> mouse_wheel_scrolled
Signal< void(Mouse const &)> mouse_moved
Signal< void(Key)> key_pressed
Signal< void(Key)> key_released
Signal< void()> focused_in
Signal< void()> focused_out
Signal< void()> deleted
Signal< void(Painter &)> painted
Signal< void()> timer
Signal< bool(Widget &)> enabled_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &)> disabled_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Widget &)> child_added_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Widget &)> child_removed_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Widget &)> child_polished_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Point, Point)> moved_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Area, Area)> resized_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Mouse const &)> mouse_pressed_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Mouse const &)> mouse_released_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Mouse const &)> mouse_wheel_scrolled_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Mouse const &)> mouse_moved_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Key)> key_pressed_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Key)> key_released_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &)> focused_in_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &)> focused_out_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &)> deleted_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &, Painter &)> painted_filter
Signal< bool(Widget &)> timer_filter
Focus_policy focus_policy
 Describes how focus is given to this Widget.
Cursor cursor
 Provides information on where the cursor is and if it is enabled.
Size_policy width_policy
 Describes how the width of this Widget should be modified by a Layout.
Size_policy height_policy
 Describes how the height of this Widget should be modified by a Layout.
Brush brush
 A Brush that is applied to every Glyph painted by this Widget.
sl::Lifetime lifetime
 Slots can track this object's lifetime to disable Slot invocations.
- Protected Types inherited from ox::Widget
using Children_t = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Widget > >
- Protected Attributes inherited from ox::Widget
Children_t children_
std::size_t child_offset_ = 0

Detailed Description

Interactive Glyph_string display with text wrapping, alignment, etc...

Provides common text interaction and presentation options as well as proper cursor movement for these interactions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ set_scroll_speed()

void ox::Textbox::set_scroll_speed ( int  x)

Set the number of lines scrolled vertically on scroll wheel events.

Default value is one. Negative will invert.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: