Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ include | |
▼ termox | |
▼ common | |
common_type.hpp | |
filter_iterator.hpp | |
filter_view.hpp | |
fps.hpp | |
identity.hpp | |
listener_thread.hpp | |
lockable.hpp | |
mb_to_u32.hpp | |
overload.hpp | |
priority_queue.hpp | |
range.hpp | |
timer.hpp | |
transform_iterator.hpp | |
transform_view.hpp | |
u32_to_mb.hpp | |
unique_queue.hpp | |
▼ painter | |
► detail | |
is_paintable.hpp | |
► palette | |
amstrad_cpc.hpp | |
apple_ii.hpp | |
ashes.hpp | |
basic.hpp | |
basic8.hpp | |
cga.hpp | |
commodore_64.hpp | |
commodore_vic20.hpp | |
dawn_bringer16.hpp | |
dawn_bringer32.hpp | |
en4.hpp | |
gameboy.hpp | |
gameboy_pocket.hpp | |
macintosh_ii.hpp | |
msx.hpp | |
nes.hpp | |
savanna.hpp | |
secam.hpp | |
stormy6.hpp | |
teletext.hpp | |
thomson_m05.hpp | |
windows.hpp | |
windows_console.hpp | |
zx_spectrum.hpp | |
brush.hpp | |
color.hpp | |
dynamic_colors.hpp | |
glyph.hpp | |
glyph_matrix.hpp | |
glyph_string.hpp | |
painter.hpp | |
trait.hpp | |
▼ system | |
► detail | |
event_name.hpp | |
event_print.hpp | |
filter_send.hpp | |
find_widget_at.hpp | |
focus.hpp | |
is_sendable.hpp | |
send.hpp | |
send_shortcut.hpp | |
user_input_event_loop.hpp | |
animation_engine.hpp | |
event.hpp | |
event_fwd.hpp | |
event_loop.hpp | |
event_queue.hpp | |
key.hpp | |
mouse.hpp | |
shortcuts.hpp | |
system.hpp | |
▼ terminal | |
► detail | |
canvas.hpp | |
screen_buffers.hpp | |
dynamic_color_engine.hpp | |
key_mode.hpp | |
mouse_mode.hpp | |
signals.hpp | |
terminal.hpp | |
▼ widget | |
► detail | |
graph_tree.hpp | |
link_lifetimes.hpp | |
memfn_signature.hpp | |
pipe_utility.hpp | |
► layouts | |
► detail | |
layout_span.hpp | |
linear_layout.hpp | |
shared_space.hpp | |
unique_space.hpp | |
fixed.hpp | |
float.hpp | |
horizontal.hpp | |
opposite.hpp | |
passive.hpp | |
selecting.hpp | |
set.hpp | |
stack.hpp | |
vertical.hpp | |
► widgets | |
► detail | |
nearly_equal.hpp | |
slider_logic.hpp | |
textbox_base.hpp | |
textline_base.hpp | |
textline_core.hpp | |
accordion.hpp | |
banner.hpp | |
button.hpp | |
button_list.hpp | |
checkbox.hpp | |
color_select.hpp | |
confirm_button.hpp | |
cycle_box.hpp | |
cycle_stack.hpp | |
graph.hpp | |
hideable.hpp | |
label.hpp | |
line.hpp | |
line_edit.hpp | |
log.hpp | |
matrix_view.hpp | |
menu.hpp | |
menu_stack.hpp | |
notify_light.hpp | |
number_edit.hpp | |
number_view.hpp | |
password_edit.hpp | |
read_file.hpp | |
scrollbar.hpp | |
selectable.hpp | |
slider.hpp | |
spinner.hpp | |
text_view.hpp | |
textbox.hpp | |
tile.hpp | |
titlebar.hpp | |
toggle_button.hpp | |
write_file.hpp | |
align.hpp | |
area.hpp | |
array.hpp | |
bordered.hpp | |
boundary.hpp | |
cursor.hpp | |
focus_policy.hpp | |
growth.hpp | |
layout.hpp | |
pair.hpp | |
pipe.hpp | |
point.hpp | |
size_policy.hpp | |
tuple.hpp | |
widget.hpp | |
widget_slots.hpp | |
wrap.hpp | |
termox.hpp | |